Thursday, November 19, 2009

Database of Books that have become movies!

I felt that this project was fairly easy and was very similar to the Excel Project. I liked the fact that you can make a data base on anything, there were no limits. However on the other hand this did pose the problem of choosing a topic. Actually creating my own database was very time consuming to find all of the information but with the internet all of the information was readily available. I think that this would be a good tool to keep track of books that you have in the classroom just as a library does. This may also be used to keep your all of your lessons organized as you would easily be able to pull something that you had used in the past and reuse or revise it to use in the present.

This project met the NETS standards 2 and 3. This project allowed students to demonstrate their fluency in this technology. By showing their fluency they are able to facilitate the use of this digital tool and support research and learning. They also design and incorporate these tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity that promotes students to pursue their curiosities.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Interactive Power Point

This interactive power point project was even more fun than the last! I had fun learning about the different ways you can use the power point program. I did find that this was very time consuming especially because I wanted this to look really exciting so students would get engaged. This project met many NETS standards including: NETS standard 1.a, b, c teachers using this interactive teaching tool are advancing student learning. This also met NETS standard 2. a designing a relevant learning experience incorporating digital tools. 3. a, c as well as 5. a.
As for using this tool in my classroom I would love to! However making a properly functioning interactive power point is very time consuming therefore this would need to be integrated with time management in ensure the game would be completed in time for its intended use in the classroom.

Google Earth

I feel that this project was a lot of fun because I was able to share some of the most memorable moments in my life with others. I did however have some trouble with saving the document properly and getting it posted to blackboard fully functioning. I feel that this would be a good tool for the class room if used wisely. For example the projects that we were given to choose from were productive and educational. Teachers could also make something like a trail for a history lesson (Ex. Lewis and Clark expedition) where a war took place. This is a good visual aid tool and if used in the area of history may be able to help some students, especially those who learn best with visual aid, to remember locations and important facts.
The NETS standards that were achieved in this lesson include 1. a 2.a 3. c and d. This project allowed for the promotion of technology for use in an positive and educational manner. Students were able to design with these tools and resources to learn and create. This also allowed for students to show what/how they had learned to use this tool to learn and share information in an interactive and innovative way.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Candy is Dandy!


- I believe that there will be a rather even distribution of the colors because they are packaged by machinery

- I believe that within the population who eat M&M’s there may be a favorite color however it will not be represented in the way it is packaged.


- In the three bags of M&M’s that I had there were varying numbers in the color of the candies however the numbers were similar in each bag.

- No, not all the bags have the same number of candies however it was awfully close

- I saw similar trends in my peers findings


I had never used a spread sheet before and found it to be very useful. I will be using this program in my classroom. Personally I may use to for grading or attendance. I may also be able to have my students use it to do a similar project to the one we have completed here, to keep track of their own grades or even to compare information. I feel that this program promotes most of the NETS standards including 1, 2, 3, and 5.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


5 websites

5 most affective websites for childhood education

The following websites are available online for use to help teachers perform to their highest abilities. These websites help with lesson planning, knowing where your students are developmentally, standards that have to be met and more.


-this website allows for teachers to get ideas on educational lessons you do however need to be a member to get all of the benefits and ideas that they have to offer. Under the NETS.T this website provides teachers with ideas to “facilitate experiences that advance the students”


-this website provides teachers with the standards for elementary education in New York State.

Knowing the standers will help teachers reach the NETS.T goal of “developing and designing digital-age learning experiences and assessments"


-this website allows for teachers to easily create lesson plans. They are given a template in which they only have to fill out and are able to pick out the standards required for their grade level and subject. This also allows for teachers to create a portfolio of lessons and unit plans.


-this website keeps teachers up to date on what is going on in the world of education. Laws that have been passed, standers that need to be met, and even ways to get funding for your own class


- this website is good for teachers because it has many ideas in which you can base your lessons in all of the content areas. Including math, science, social studies, English, arts & music, health and technology.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Field Trip Letter


By completing this project many NETS. T Standards have been met one is showing that I as a teacher candidate have shown that I have knowledge and skills to use the technological system, Microsoft Word; I have also shown that I can communicate using technology. By working on this project I have learned a new application on Microsoft word, Illustrations. Never have I been aware that you could create your own picture using Microsoft word. By learning how to use this application I will be able to use it in further teaching experiences. I may use this to create tables, graphs, or even diagrams to use in lessons.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Philosophy Statement

Victoria Stoebe

My Philosophy Statement

I am going into the field of education because I would like to share my knowledge with others and help to shape the minds of the future of America. Most importantly love working with children, which without would give me no drive and motivation to work in this field. I believe that everyone has a right to a good education because it prepares a student to learn and use their minds. He/she should gain a full understanding of what is being taught and be able to apply it to their everyday lives. All students learn at different paces, some children may not be learning as fast or understanding as much as the other students but they have just as much potential however may need an extra push to get to the same level. Technology may be a basis in which teachers today can use to get all of their students learning to their fullest potential.

I believe that technology plays a very important role in the classroom as our society has an ever changing base in technology. Without technology use in the classroom our students would not be equipped with the knowledge for uses of technology in the everyday world. By having technology in the classroom we are essentially giving our students the stepping stone to grow and develop their understanding of the uses of technology so they may better use it when in an out of school environment may it be work or leisure.

I feel that it is important to incorporate technology into the classroom. Technology makes the classroom have a more inviting atmosphere, as children are growing up using technologies incorporating them into your daily assignments will engage and interest your students. Technology also helps to differentiate your instruction to incorporate all learning styles for example using a video would engage visual and auditory learners.

In my classroom I would integrate technology into as many aspects of my lessons as possible. I feel that children today would respond well to this as they are constantly bombarded with technology in the home so by bringing it into the classroom students may become more engaged in the lessons. Some forms of technology that I would choose to use mainly revolve around the use of the computer including but not limited to computer games, videos, power points, and the internet to name a few.

My goal when incorporating technology in the classroom is to make sure that my students are having fun while gaining a full understanding of the material in which I present them with. Technology will hopefully push all of my students to reach their fullest potential!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Elementary Education: Psychology
I like to travel!!!! I am currently working on gaining my Child Development Associates degree after taking a two year early childhood education course. This college experience will help me attain another degree to become a more well rounded individual.